Dinner done!

10 simple dinners & complete grocery shopping list

Does quarantine have you out of ideas for dinner and things talk about at dinner? Are you tired of making dinner? Mama, I got you! I have complied 10 of our favorite and simple recipes--so easy your husband can make them--with printable grocery shopping list, and conversation starters all in this book for only $12.

Sign up now to get your first recipe and conversation starter sent straight to your inbox!

Sign up today to get a recipe and conversation starters from this book into your email now.

When I created Beginning with the Basics: Family Dinner Guide we were not under a stay-at-home order. My goal for the guide was to share how our family creates the time to focus on each other and to have uninterrupted conversations daily. Not only did I want to share, but I wanted to make it as easy as possible for other families to do the same.

When better time for us to begin new conversations. Not only do we have time to connect with your family, but we are creating memories that will last a lifetime.

For just $12 you get:
-Beginning with the Basics: Family Dinner Guide
-10 dinner entree recipes (eight under 30 mins) with side suggestions
-Multiple Conversation Starters with each entree
-Shopping list for all of the entrees
-Weekly meal planner
-Immeasurable memories and deepend relationships with the most cherished people in your life

You don't have to wait for to get your dinner guide! Order you digital dinner guide now and start making those memories.

Want to try before you buy? No problem!
Sign up here for your free recipe straight to your inbox.

The conversation starters are straight forward and the shopping list has been sorted by section to make for a quick shopping trip (if you must go into the store).
Otherwise, it is a quick "click-list"!

10 simple dinners, conversation starters & shopping list

Your family dinners are about to get so much better!

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